Saturday, 30 November 2024

After quitting/ Thinking of the treasure chest style wooden box I once build

 When I was in the Swedish speaking farming school in Inkoo, even though I am Finnish speaking, I once saw a glimpse of a treasure chest style wooden box tgat someone had build. It was of sheets of wood that had been formed more narrow in one end than at tge otger end, so that it was symnetrical and really fine, nice looking, unpainted. When I had finished my one year on a course in the farming school, and lived again in Helsinki i.e. in the capital, somelne asked me if there was any handiworks tgat I had considered fine and which I myself woukd lije to learn to build. And so it somehow came tgat I tried to buikd a treasure chedt like wooden box, but did not have the energy to cut the wood so. So I jyst bought four pieces of large sheet made from wood and cut to form plus one for bottom. And nade the cover arch and it's cover myself frlm ordinary pieces of wood, plus two small partially round long pieces of wood to the edges of the cpver. But when I tried to paint it with transparent finish, it was some colouring paint instead and tge box becone dark brown and the cover light brown. And so I made a fabric to cover the surfaces so that it woukd look ok. 

I wonder if the treasure chest is somehow an object of interest. I tried to make it good to sit upon but it isn't so good for such. I did not kniw what to store in it. Later there were some equipment from the wilderness guide course in it, maybe oartially unneeded ones. The box becomes easily too heavy to carry and it is not so strongly build. 

A trwasure chest is maybe a way to mark things stored in it pissibly interests of the one having it in one's home. But on the otger hand those seem to stsy far away like mentioned to others interested in jyst money and treasures. 

In the old times such chest were used for handiworks etc for obe aiming at narriage via such achievements, and vua having the vasic self-made things needed for a home of one's own. Kind of one's own style, values and skill level was impirtant in that. 

If one would travel to places which one admires, maybe a treasure chest style box could be a way to store things bpught from such places, I do not know. 

I have written books of Christmas gnomes, of paradisd being possible, and of other skills. But it does not seem that thode woukd interest kn such a box. But maybe one coukd have one nice book or booklet in the muddle of other kinds of things. 



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This one of my books seemed to suit the idea best. Yet it does not seem a so good result. 

I emptied the box and tried putting into it all my books that I just now have. 

My books for sale at   (the prices are not so high, it is the postage costs that are huge, but they seem to have some club to join if one lives in the same country, or for Finland maybe France offers free postage in some cases)

The ukulele box appears more treasure like, but why to hide it in a treasure chest? 

With a Christmas song book (Oi jouluyö, Oh Christmas Night) it looks like this. 

So I guess things thought of as for celebration like occasions, seem to suit a treasure chest, but not present like (or otherwise fine) books which are meant mainly for reading in the daily life. I guess that Christmas decorations might fit there too. 

Anyway, things kept in a treasure chest someone classifies as somewhat treasure like or as things ok to keep in a box. So it is different from burying them, from giving away them, even though the idea of a treasure may be different from tge person's view of values, goals, likings, things needed for good life, things needed at large, etc. 

Of my books many are mainly for reading in daily life, but the series "Of walking in beauty" and "Find and Create The Land Of Christmas" i.e. the Christmas gnome skills books, seem suited for reading in the Christmas time and other celebrations. 

A very treasure like treasure woukd be cold coins, but since such are expensive, there exists a cheaper option: chocolade coins in cold coloured individual wrap which has the coin's picture etc printed/with height diffetencies etc. But such often do not taste good, since otherwise those would disappear or maybe be dangerous because of a danger of poison. 

It is in gge air that some handiwork makers put ready handiworks in an open treasure chest, which is somewhat like givibg them for sale. I am not at all so skilled in handiworks, and do not have any peace for such in my lufe. 

My view of to what I need treasure chests 

What sre you looking for, which shops, which town or country or area of life? Savonlinna that I liked was an arts oriented town with strong sides that I lijed, like for example being a countryside town with summer cottages around and with other things I liked too. It makes sense to buy something from a local shop or from the market, if one on a summer holiday visits some place tgat one likes. As a child I had a summer hat from Sulkava rowing boat happening, and later just a yelliw T-shirt but it eas anyway nice. And still later I one birthdsy got a basket from Savonlinna market place and it is still nice. 

One might try 

If one thinks of money, I rarely earn any money. On the other hand most or many of my thoughts are on a so general level, that in theory the economical or other benefit could be for wide areas and so the thoughts good for some national economies etc. 

If one wants to earn money via my texts, tge quickest seems to be by miracle healing by reading aloud my miracle healing advices at i.e. at

In longer term there is the blog and the book Work and feelings. 

Also my long Christmas gnome skills series starting from seeks to help in finding a dream job and a nice place to live in somewhere where one likes the culture, suits there. 

The possible total benefit from my texts could be a few times hundred thousand millions of euros, but that is just some estimate in the air, I do not know from where, 10pot11 euros anyway is the guess, but not possible for individuals or small groups, typical guess is that for several separate nations or separate groups of nations, and divided to some years. (1st of December 2024   That is no selling cost. It is just possible to do some things in better ways, learn new skills and be motivated, so such can benefit some areas instead of actually having sold anything.) 

1st of December 2024   I thought of Christmas decorations maybe fitting the chest too, but it does not seem to be so much Christmas yet. I tried to figure out other things which could similarly help life go better, but I have mostly bought aftifacts that somehow suit me but I do not know whom others. And my own such products are just my books, if one hapoebs to need such. But maybe by asking from a book shop or a department store one coukd find hobby equipments etc. 

Book shops seem to sell also paper for water colour painting and other painting equipments. It seems to suit civiliced wisdom of book type well. On the other hand book shops have sometimes sold also threads for knitting which is just about in the opposite end of the spectrum of wisdom, since knitting makes one very stupid and so tends to bring lots of problems. 

If Brits do not read books, maybe their skill level has been marked somehow wrong, propably too low or without background info. Would ghey read better somethkng for somewhat older people with a different cultural background? Or is such a new demand and so maybe tried to direct to the internet bookshops and ebooks? 


( My grandfather on my fatger's side Johannes Hari, formerly Ekholm, was told to have been a bank boss in Mikkeli, but his bank went banjrupt, and so their family moved to Helsinki. (He died 1979.) I did not hear anything much of that since I was quite young abd he thought that his university education was what to mentiln to a child. When asked whether he had been a bank boss, he replued that he was for some time a bank boss, but it was judt a job, since all the money was other people's. And of my views of the future he said that my view can be economically good but it is interesting to see to whom the money this time goes, since it rarely comes to Finns who do such work. He and my father said that since they did not have extra money to give to the customers in a bank, they tried to have other nice needed things in life, which make life good but do not cost so much, like for examole having arts as an interest or summer cottage like life in a house with a garden. ) 

There is an old saying in Finland "One Finn corresponds ten foreigners." But it has been somewhat difficult for anyone to get to work out in practice, except occasionally in just something, which I guess is from where such a saying was born, from single superb promising achievements or signs of talents. 

You too could try such achievements at , but somehow it has not succeeded in rising the skill levels of the whole younger generation, maybe because the goals and picture of the world differ too much. Another which one can attempt also abroad, is .

Russia has maybe 30 times as much inhabitants as Finland, and the world over 1000 times more people than Finland, so as it is tried to reach the goal of being able to defend this country successfully, it is yet good to have slme comparison point in order to know what is the situation even if some young near by look promising like a few times better in something, and I guess the number 10 has been considered one possible point of comoarison. Yet it seems somehow very far away in practice. And so Finland has traditionally been interested in peaceful tactics and especially in the talks between the superpowers of the world. 

2nd of December 2024   For comparison 

( 13th of December 2024   About the cover fabric. As the chest was too dark brown, I took some fabric that I happened to have and which was without auch problem, and sewed it to form. The box like part widened upwards and so it did not need any other fastening than the upper edge. I had some small furniture nails, but the edge was too hard for them, and so I moistened the edge with water a few times and some time later was able to fasten the edge with the small furniture nails, and likewise the part over the top under the lower edge of the top. I had some old decoration strip that I fastened as two archs upon the upper edges of the top. ) 

Savonlinna was nice for arranging home nicely, see  abd my book Magnifient views, at .

Friday, 29 November 2024

After quitting/ Of positions of power in a society

 Some time ago slmeone said on some virtual or mental side that if there are really many foreigners in a country and if they beed some hints of how to live there, and if they in that tend to take as their forefigures certain types of persons, so that such persons make tjkngs run well kn the country if they are somehow kn sight, known forefigures to take knto account in ubderstanding how life goes there. Then such persons are what royalty is or has typically been. 

Of politics the view seems to be that things run according to common sense, civiluced wusdom, fair play, market economy, works, wisdom of life, etc in a society as if by itself. But if there are foreign nations wanting to interfere or some other groups that beed to be known and tgeir relations settled enough and the society organisez so that thibgs run well anyway, then such is the work of politicians and of some parts of publicity. 

What my name association "emperor" seemed to mean was arranging things well for the society and for the world by the gelp of the very skilled. So it is maybe like someone with a goid idea coming to an experienced shopkeeper who can arrange from such a goid product for all or very many, often by tge joint effort of several skilled peopke. Or a skilked journalist doing likewise well for a very large group. 

After quitting/ The Notre-Dame Catedral in Paris

 In the news it was told tgat the Notre-Dame catedral in Paris, which is the capital of France, there was a fire spring 2019 and now the catedral has been repaired. 

I remember having watched out of my wibdow some April day in 2019, and the sun shone to the reddish sides of the pines in the edge of the forest patch outdoors, making tgem so even more reddish and charming, as if in fire, and I took a picture of it. In the news it was told of a fire in the church of Notre-Dame in Paris. Years later I used tge same pictyre in the covers of my books Skills Of Christmas Gnomes, but somehow tge forest patch disappeared largely from the background and there was lnly light grey kn the spines of the books ibstead of the reddish colour and green of the pines. It seemed so a more global view, and more suited for the whole years instead of just for slme April day in a suitable place. If one wants such a charm more often, such is typical to sunsets. In Savonlinna some hoyses were maybe three storeys high with trees in between higher than the houses and space between was maybe a parking lot plus street plus two apartments. So ln the western side one could each evening see sun setting behind the tree tops above the houses, if it was not too cloudy, but the direction of sunset varied according to the time of the year.  

I guess trees are superbly fine, great quality they have, but difficult to understand, kind of to catch the message. 

The picture was from 20th of April 2019. My Christmas gnome skills text does not have almost any or any entries in April, but I made spring melodies tvat spring, see 

The same picture seems to be in my book Living with the four seasons, see , even though the paperbook has only black-abd-white pictures, since the colour printing did not have shades of colours right and because such vary too much from place to place. 

Free versions of many of my books at to which there nowadays is the link

Would Paris and Notre-Dame with them be better? 


7th of December 2024   Does "notre dame" mean "your wife"? If some marriage is a love marriage and lasts for a long time, or if some unmarried person seems to rely on certain types of people, there maybe is something that one needs which jyst that kibd of spouce or tgat kinds of persons offer to his/her life. Like my father had kind of stuck academical ways of thinking that had gotten influencies from engineering type of education, while my mom was kind of making single sometimes very argumentative remarks of academical type of thinking, so ghat my father seemed to be slightly interrupted from his tracks and say "If that is so, then we can for example ..." and he used common sense and a wider academical or school kind of picture of the world with wisdom of life and kniwledge of traditional ways of living, to such, and so the engineering kinds of stuck ways opened to a wider view with wisdom of life and the practical reality sensed, kind of being present in the daily life. But it was so that thdy somehow fit together, while slmeone else tfying to have such a feature would propably not produce so good results, since after all people afe very difxerent and also relationships may be very different.  

My childhood relatives are not socially clise to me. If you do not understand anything about what is socially close or loved, but want to learn such and are young. Use ordinary basic scvool like picture of the world with values right and with common sense and honesty in what is what kibd of thing. And in harmony with the good of gge world and ordinary customs, try to find a hobby course that you would like, and take part in such in harmony with the good of the world. In a hobby group there are also others of simiksr age and with simikar likings, so it is nice to maybe once a week to see such people and have a possibility for such a nice hobby. And so from a simikar point of view are typically all the arrangements and recommendatilbs meant to be understood meant to be grounded on such natural likkngs, natural fitting to something, clmmln sense and wushing for the good of the world and high skills. 

The news said that the catedral burned 15th of April 2019. The previous day was a Sunday and I composed then this piece: 

" sunnuntaina 14. huhtikuuta 2019   Sula tie houkuttaa juoksupyrähdyksiin. Muttei nyt ollut niin kamalan hyvä vire ja toinen koirani on laiska juoksemaan, hiekka haittaa sen tassuja. Mutta jotenkin nyt huhtikuussa on se olo, että ellei heti yritä säveltää jotakin, niin ehkä jää koko juttu säveltämättä, usein on se olo, että huhtikuun loppu jostakin lähtien jää kokonaan säveltmättä, vaikken niin itse ole yleensä kärsinyt säistä tai maisemien ankeudesta.

Säveltämään oppimisesta katso tämän blogin kohta Tunnelman inspiroima laulu (huhtikuu 2017?), ja tuon saman blogin kuin vuodenaikakirjoitukseni kohta terveistä elämäntavoista, joka tosin on kamalan pitkä mutta opettaa soivaa elämänkoekemusta.

Thursday, 28 November 2024

After quitting/ Of food that seemed to suit me in my twenties

 " When I in my twenties liked aikido and non-contact karate hobbies, that was just liking such motion hobbies, and the Finnish nature outdoors, with an interest in zen buddhism too. But if one thinks of food I ate something like ordinary Finnish food (pizzas by Saarioinen), plus fresh apple juice and in addition to it dark bread (ruisleipää) with cheese and slices of tomato, and sometimes a small youghurt, sometimes an apple too.  


Wednesday, 27 November 2024

After quitting/ Of indoor clotges

 " Unless especially clear otherwise, winter clothes described are indoors clothes for winter time and for when need so much extra warmth, for exampke a woolen shirt, woolen socks and warm long-sleeved underwear layer are worn indoors when not sleeping, and when on goes out, one jyst adds a coat, winter boots, a woolen hat and warm winter gloves, maybe also a warm scarf to shelter the throat and face. "

After quitting/ Of moving from very northern areas to ordinary 4 seasons climate

 As I wondered why I fell ill tens of years ago when my school class visited Finnish Lappland by bus, I went dizzy maybe one meter before getting out of the bus. It could have been because there for the first time I smelled just the outdoors air, and for me it was somehow uninhabitable, no life present there. As an adult I have been able to visit Vaasa quite normal way, but Lappland does not seem possible for me. So if some live mostly indoors in Lappland and do not know why so, it woukd help a lot to move to a so much warmer climate that there us no unexplainable inability to spend time outdoors or live a normal active life. 

I have written advices on weatger skilks and have lived for tens of years at the capital district of Finland in the center of the southern coast of Finland and some years 200km northwards in eastern Finland. See . So for southern and central Finland my weather skills advices might work out, simikarly for other climates of the four seasons which have snow but only in the winter and early spring. 

If one wants kind of close and caring environment like maybe the impression of Rovaniemi might be, I guess tgat relates with small towns with tourism liking some side of life there really much like Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi or Savonlinna and arts festival in the summer. Big cities are I guess more for having a variety of attractions, happenings etc, each one going one's own way. But anyway the climate being inhabitable matters a lot. 

If you need to get healed, my miracle healing advices at i.e. at have seemed good, (miraculously good also for many of the handicapped, already in a half an hour or a few days) but seem to demand an attitude of continuing to normal active life instead of being careless about danger of accidents etc.  

Obs. Use common sense! These are just thoughts and impressions on some spiritual side, etc. These miracle healing advices are not connected with care professions, yet the first impression in the air was some deciding for amputation or surgery, some clashing knives together like "here we come!", yet the texts that I advertised are just thoughts, nice pieces of text without any effect if not miracle healing almost at once. Or so was the idea, please use common sense. Find people with civiliced wisdom, wise values before you do anything unwise. The covers of the book seek to refer to (but are maybe not so skilled in that) healing sensations, be some advice too, for the one to be healed, not only to the others around. I am not any group, I am one individual who has written maybe 10 000 - 15 000 different advices or other similarly motivated pieces of text (see my books at or at and these blogs of mine). I am a thinker, maybe one of the world's best, and that is why I have written so much, even though these are just my own thoughts without any extra support available from my environment or something of the kind, and without any special interest of mine in just these subjects, without really being suited to such questions having so much weight in my lufe or in my views. Such questions just were in the air, and I was able to answer some theoretical part of them, often suited world-wide, and with wisdom of life that fits the theoretical viewpoint. 

As an ebook at 

It ought to appear in the book series 

One without skills for the four seasons, ought to start by having some variations of indoors air temperature according to the time of the day or night. And for those to whom the temoerature difference between indoors and outdoors is so big that such disturbs normal life, one ought to either move to a nice easy climate, for example to Hawaii, or have some intermediate temoerature too, like fetching post from the cooler splace by the outdoors, or walking thrpugh an inner yard to working place's cafeteria or the like. And if one wants to live in a climate of the four seasons, start somewhere where it is considered easy, abd in that your background matters, likewise your likings etc. 

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Monday, 25 November 2024

After quitting/ Own wisdom of life

 I have sometimes lately run into pictures of young people who maybe grew up much quicker than others, seemed wise, learned well, behaved nicely wisely as if somewhat older, and so they somehow were considered maybe already like a year older, and got teansferred to that group and somehow grew in lenght too likewuse. So the question is, is such ok, what will it lead to in the long run, is it how things shoukd be or is there some problem in it? Studying just courses, taught things, usually isn't wise, does not give enough life skills and not enough experience of different kibds of things, usual situatiobs, etc. On the other hand the wise understand more and so do not run into certain types of problems, and so it nay be ok to advance quickly. But on the other hand if there is enough freedom in ways of doing and enough variation in things done, when the basic thing at hand goes well, one gets experience of the other sides of things done, which is impirtant for lufe skills, lije for exampke carrying things when gardenibg or wandering around where it is safe jyst for the enjoymentbof it. 

My observation is that age affects the amount of social experience, which in turn affects how well one can avoud usual pitfalls, which affects whether one can in practice decide about one's own life. So it seems that it is not automatically ok to put to tge same school class people with maybe the same school studies somehow suiting, if those have a very different level of socual dominancy, of social experience, social ability to affect things, etc, since that is very different from just thknking and discussing. Typical to dominancybis tgat one does not bother to learn, and typical to too opressed position is that life chouces go ashtray or poorly. 


28th of November 2024   Similarly a house or a wooden building being very square with straight lines and even coloured surfaces is not good for skills, understandibg and quality of life. Instead one should buikd of somewhat uneven natural materials, where the structure varies so that young obes growing up there pay attention to for example the varied pieces of wood, which pkace in them is like what abd what can they be used to and what are they good for. And can obe fix something or turn the piece of wood the other side in sight, etc. And so one has skills and knowledge of a variety of options, instead of being stuck to "I do not know" like situatiln. For example a wooden balcony build with one's heart good for life in tgat way lije wisdom of lufe says if not so personal kn approach and good for others too, might be one goid pkace with an arts (arts are in a way for a wider group, like wisdom says) hobby or job, kibd of emotional lufe and wisdom getting support that way. 

After quittibg/ What one builds

 In the news there was about some Chinese woman who resembled the singer Lea Laven, who when I was a child, sung some song as if trying to explain girl's point of view, but somehow boys and men got very angry and enemy like from that. Now I think that it was maybe becayse of the words "It isn't, I am not giving in, I am nit begging for love and I am not saying yes", which was girls' attempt at saying in a conversation that either the men of the damily etc lued or they had not understood at all. But boys took it as some role, as some forefigure to decide to not to get along with girls, which still seems to ve the problem, tens of years later, so the effect was amazingly big. As I now watched the news video, maybe one of the problems was that in publicity people in the audience or discussing the subject seem to come through somehow, so that instead of the deeds of only one person, there maybe were several persons' views or deed kknd of mistaken as the one person who sang the song in tv. 

If one think of the world as buikd by the deeds of kndividuals, then each kind of bebefit, each thing needed in life, needs to be culticated somehow. Otherwise it does not exist or ceases largely very quickly. Either obe oneself takes part in building or cultivatibg such, or has it as a value so much that one leaves it undisturbed, lets others cultivate it. In what comes to the song, girls cultivated something, and the men did not give it enough room but instead lied, and so the girl tried to complain and mentiln such a difference of who cultivates what and who leaves others enough in.peace. But the men lied what it was about and tried to call ut love, which it was not at all suited for, since spouce is a lobg time thing that affects lufe a lot, and so it was harmful to the girl, who needed more room to decide about her life and with whom to be social in which ways. So someone tried to explain it as a song, but it went fully ashtray. 

It was a song for so young children that they do not express everything in words, especially not if they woukd need to find sone new way of communicating, new approach with different choice of words and some other thibgs from the pictyre of the world showing the point of view. 


26th of November 2024   I do not quite understand wgat the problem is/was. It seems that some social style seems annoying and that is why the attacks. But it is maybe that it is not the social style of the factual rational well motivated well undwrstanding person, but instead the comparison points which the others notice to be not at all so convincing, not good for themselves and so they get angry, but they seem to fail to notice that those weaknesses were results of them not being convinced of the need of such, of the motivatiln for such, especially not of lobg term conyinuous valuing of such, and so they lacked quality and ideas and the ability to choose good optiobs in such. They should have kbstead done slmething that seem a good ok udea in their opinion for their own ordibary daily life. Then it woukd have run well, had some motivatiln which others maybe sometines see as some charm, like sitting drinking coffee or tea and glancibg at the newspaper. Or takibg a look at a veautiful scene with some natyre in it and then continuing to other things at habd. 

After quitting/ Shoveling snow

 25th of November 2024   There was snow for a few days but now it is above 0C and for this week tge weather report predicts temperatures well above zero, so the snow is likely to melt away without freezing in between, maybe so. 

 One winter here in Espoo our street was left without shoveling snow away from pathways for some days when it snowed and so on pathways the snow layer got thick and pressed dense under feet. And when spring came, the snow partly melted and then froze again, etc, and so the roads were ice for a long time, since there was so much snow to melt away before the roads were good to travel in. So shoveling snow daily away from walkways etc, if it has snowed or if the wind has brought dry powder like snow, helps to keep the roads and pathways good to travel in. Shoveling snow is fun, but often needs taking only quite little of snow at a time or it becomes heavy. So it is much more beautiful and enjoyable than with a work like attitude. If there is quite much snow work, it is nice family fun, especially if it still slightly snows or the snow is new and shine, the view and tasks complex and varied. 

After quitting/ Is a border really a straight line?

 As I have gained age and still wondered at the world, and as years have passed and the understandibg influenced by technology is no longer so very elementary, I have begun to wonder, in what sense is war at the borders, isn't more likely that defending good living conditilns is a more complex thing, demanding understanding life much more. 

I have also noticed that some people are constantly unhappy because they want to folliw some foreign culture and have the chaces for it, but somehow it does not suit here, does not make them happy here. And when there is somewhere some piece of just traditional Fknnish culture, it usually works out really well and makes people happy, satisfied with life, maybe knowing better in which climate they would lije to live even if not in this one. So many tend to think that there is some unfair suppirt for Finnish ways, while I think that it is an unfair lack of support. Anyway, in a certain place at certain time in history some things suit there, work out there well and others don't. And so in that sense the place at that period belongs to tge well workkng nice culture there. And similarly in other respects, some choices may be better there than other optilns tried. And so some say that in a way professions, hobbies, cultural assets etc still conquer places, towns etc, but it rarely makes sense to group all professilns together and draw one border for all purposes. I mean some say that shops etc still conquer places but for others the situations are slmewhat too unclear and messy, maybe falsely observed. 

After quitting/ Of holidays

 I was wondering do some people go to some summer cottage yerly as uf reaching for some points, even though they do not like it so very much. That is not tge idea in summer cottage life. People in towns doing something too artificial, for example engineering if they are not inclined toward such, need some practical life too, senses open, something natural and complex, maybe admure old times life, and for such peopke a summer cottage holuday nay be fine. But if you prefer something else, there is no great benefit in summer cottage lufe if one isn't feeling like needing such stimulu, such contact with nature, etc. 

For example slme might go to some nice climate and try sailboat on one day. Maybe go somewhere bicycling some hillside or mountainside, with sone nuce buildings up there to visit. And maybe visit some charming fishing village. 

Or some might want to visit some fine old culture town with some nature, maybe museums, boulewards with leaf trees both sides, etc. 

Children guessed to need Lappland, kind of wooden walls with their complex patterns to look at but without anything special in such like painted decorations or such. One guess would be Russian culture or old Sovjet civiliced wisdom, slmehow into my mind comes painted pictures of plant species with latin name (those printed on transparent plastic fastened to) on a plate of light grey clay with teansoarent paint cover, even thouch I have not thought of them as Russian. 

I am worried. Thinking of tourists coming to Lappland in the winter, coming quickly fully covered in winter clithes, kn from a small bus just in front of a hotel door, wind tossing snow. And that their only glimpse of winter life outdoors. Isn't that like some mouse or rat passing by a window, seeing a tree branch outdoors. Kind of a strong memiry of something worth remembering, a part of natural lufe but so scarce. Is it so that some part of natural life which others suppose belonging to ordinary life somehow not had, dropped away, like some drop from others things that they as younger had, claiming that they are older now and so no good valued things of younger years. 

Sunday, 24 November 2024

After quitting/ Wage from work and personal liking toward such work

 When I in the beginning of the 1990's studied theoretical ohysics and math in tge University of Helsinki, there seemed to be very much pressure toward such studies, I guess that toward engineering studies especially, and so it was very difficult to get the chances to change profession to entirely different areas of life. Here in Espoo I haven't travelled much by bus, but when I in the begknning visited Tapiola with my minuatyre poodle along, the bus drove through Otaniemi where there is the engineering education, and my impressiln was that Argentinan woman try to kidnap school educated to there to engineering, kind of guessing that forcing them woukd make them like the engineering oriented from Vantaa, who have a kind of hard working narrow engineering oriented style, kibd of like continuibg so after finushing school studies, and that seems to have made an imoression on the Argentinan women. But as far as I understand such isn't created by forcing, but instead by bribery, by giving a work that one is motivated towards and feels oneself to be suited to, and a wage that is good and free time recreation and life possibilities according to hiw civilicedly one behaves. So they think that they can well do such a work, and that they themselves are suited to just some such kibd of work. And the life possibilities around seem good too. While with the others the problem usually is that they are wider in understanding, and woukd so floyrish in some work demanding a picture of the world, maybe feelings and wisdom of life, some civiliced values, a high enough understanding, etc. But they too woukd lije to be so rewarded. 

But also the more complex work tasks ought to get an ok wage, and estimating who does such work with a good enough quality, has typically been a major problem. First of all the persons ought to be interested in such work and have enough skills and good enough values for such a work, and those estimating ought to have good quality skills in just those skills estimated, and have civiliced wisdom and ckviluced values too. So just being social is nit enough. And it is not ok to pay the first ones that one hapoens to meet, like seems to have happened to having good quality texts in the ingernet, having gotten replaced by someone writibg jyst something in the subject, without any real content worth reading. People are typically social when ill or not kniwing of the area of lufe etc, or comnanding when thibgs have gotten outsude their sphere of understanding. And peopke are concebtrated on the area of lufe, civiluced wisdom, commln sense and tge work at hand when with skills and interest in the job. If there are criminal tricks, that person relying on such prooably is under the wanted skill level and not valying such values, not civiliced enough in values. For the very highly achieving obe ought not pay so much extra that the wage attracts actors or other crimes, kind of removes the possibiluty for good quality work in that. But generally they too, if they are already adults, need an ok normal wage for their life, especially in the long run such economical reluef is needed, so for example the average wage of people with a wage from work with such skill level but from education and some work experience. Be fair. 

Of religious people some are very skilled, some fake or evil. And for different types of people maybe different types of priests etc are needed, but one must notice that religion of those types are not alike, since for example the picture of the world, skill levels, values, areas affected, how snd with which quality vary a lot between them. So for some religion is in harmony with civiluced values and wisdom and healthy wisdom of life, and such ought to ve supported. But for some religion is just false claims or unwise occultusm, and such ought not be supported other than maybe for the sake of communication etc. And those whose religion is harmful or who use religion or other things to evil, ought not be supported and ought to be prevented. And then there are the different places or parts of the country, towns, professions, etc, and foreign countries, people coming from abroad, people folliwing some other culture, or people wantkng to folliw other vultures and their values and live here or elsewhere - these too matter, when estimating religious people. Somebody clained that many foregners coming to Finland say they have been nunns or whatever rare in the tropics or in some other country anyway, and so it is quite likely that they do not follow the Finnish culture according to common sense, and so supporting civiliced wisdom and Finnish religiousness is different from supporting those from far-away countries. 

(I do not know how much food religious people need. Some nunn who had fasted on spring for a month, seemed to need some fresh juice but got fat already from it. On the other hand the traditional Christmas foods are heavy, help to teach winter skills and recover from the burden of school or work. My white Japanese spitz companion dog who was a miracle gealer on some mental or spiritual side, seemed to need more food because of it and especially if there was some influencies from a lack of luck, then an extra meal at once. People keeping company and helping the muserable often need much more food. On the other hand wisdom often demands individuality and such often lessens the size of meals a lot. It has seemed that some people can carry with food and with being fat and warm, the lughrening of the burdens of people near by, as if some strenght needed were in choosing right kind of course which one can momentarily learn from the fat, but which usually needs ordinary meals and kind of positive attitude, valuing wisdom. And so it sometimes seems that like an adult can gelp to get things straight in the lives of a group of children near by, lijewise a well eaten elderly religious professional can kind of carry over hard times shere unwise soputilns are nit enough, i.e. to make the wise ways be able to continue. On the other hand people causing lots of damage, like for example an engineering poibt of view, often hide such by eating well. ) 

After quitting/ About conversations in relationships

 I watched some news video of conversations in relationships. It mentioned many things often raised by young and young adults, but did not seem to understand that such view dies not produce a benefical effect in itself, but instead basic observations and basic questilns are important in forming a basic picture of the world of those questions, but the situatilns vary a lot, and some may lie based on their jnderstanding and many try to hurg, instead of trying to get along. So here some observatilns of mine that seem to ease social life. 

Generally people with very much the same approach, same likings, skill levels, strenghrs and weaknesses cannot suppirt each other in clise relatilns so well in the long run, since when they fail the other lne too tends to fail, and their strong sides do not seem to be worth mentioning. But with different strenghrs and weaknesses people can often support each other if they so wish. So daily life works out nicely and the other obe feels like a gift time after time each occasiln that one gelps like a reluef, and on the other hand what one oneself so carries something feels jyst natyral and easy to do, no burden. Byt of coyrse folliwing the civiluced wisdom of the society, especially civiliced values helps in this. 

If the other obe does not listen, he/she maybe does not use as much thinking, maneuvering and time on that area of life, but is instead thinking of life together as if aseemblying from parts of different form which have different amounts of each kind of thing. And often it is so that one is lying and trying to get some benefit or victory kn some skill that one is fond of, and the other one knows that drawback and does not see any point in taking part in that. So it is like a game and in games some people fit together, it maybe is their hobby like interest, while others don't fit and have other ways of spending time. So it is a thing that matters in choosing a longer term pair. 

Between siblings or people with very much the same starting point in lufe it makes no sense to think of discussions like between spouces, since the situation is like between work colleagues or study pals, who each had their own other areas of life, especially free time and social relations outside work, which give them strenght and tell of their possibilitues of future development, future lufe. So they are going seoarate ways in the futyre. Instead of being like öovers having foubd a nice good place in lufe, spebd free time, get refreshed, live where one likes tge climate, culture, wata of living, and has a job that one likes and is suited to. 

There are very many different types of people forming different types of relatilnships, wanting different things from relationships. Some types of relationships may be tempirary, like having foubd a new nice thing and after a whike getting used to it. And so may have a permanent fascination like having a way of life that one likes. 

Learning skills and/or talents does not go by fooling around where others or someone especially skilled is doing such. So one can learn pieces of knowledge but not skills or talents. One needs to be interested in learning and practising such skills, then one can pay attentiln to what mire one can learn from the people around in it  and by flurting or by judt being social lne can get influencies from the ways of doing and ways of living, poibt of view etc of others and so learn mire of such skills even of talents. Or with such a hobby, some experience in it and a strong interest kn learning one can maybe learn by seeing an elderly or quite much older very skilled person doing it and showing, teaching, like for example in some old times' crafts' place on an open doors day at some myseum farm like place ir what coukd it be, some tourist attraction or hobby societies' fair. But that is to get some idea of the very skilled, whike learning goes the ordinary hobby like way. 

Learning does not go via making love. So one forms a family for children to grow up in, and so it is a way to get stuck. 

It is not my strenght to associate with social relations, but I guess that most of the human kind consider social life one of their own major interests. 

Discussions about problems aren't usually the good way to solve them, since often the point of view is one of the reasons for such problems. Usually problems get solved via generally recommended good chouces in life, which suit many and so usually also solve the problems at hand. And typically such means changing obe's perspective and approach to a civiluced one. If such does not work kmmediately, it anyway may help with some more time and more civiluced wisdom in use, both valyes in the world at large and healthy wusdom of life, including common sense. 

If some problem is caused by someobe intentilnally aiming at such a sityation, for example tge old situation continuing, try to see from the point of view of generally supported wisdom of life what good alternatives they would have, would they for exampke like some other town or climate more and there some type of job that seems easy to get. Also otherwise some wisdom of life mostly makes social relations easier. 

After quittibg/ Christmas gnome picture from Dreamstime

people would have potential for much bigger things

people would have potential for much bigger things 

See my books at 


ID 263126891 @ Tetiana Vychegzhanina |

Friday, 22 November 2024

After quitting/ A new blog about angels


24th of November 2024   I do not know, but it maybe because of the first text A1. in my Christmas angels text, about ventilating from a window bringing a fresh air for the moment, which in the winter brings into my mind snow angels, the high sound of insects in the room quite near the fresh air and the window, singing of snow, of such snowy weathers near the window outdoors. This autumn, earlier too but here in Espoo, there under my keyboard and a chrysanthem flower by the window seems to sing a harmony of tiny insects, they sing of the beauty of small flowers of moss somewhere outdoors in the summer maybe. It is very nice and beauyiful but so slight soubd that I seldom actually come to listen to it, but it somewhat nice to have in the room like curtains of nice colour and feel or some nature element. 


26th of November 2024   About a week ago I sent a link to my blog post i.e. about Christmas angels to Germany and got sone stomach ache from it afterwards. And some days later once again rose to my mind tvat Christmas angels were in some view the reason I hed been born a human, and now for the first time (was it after making the new blog and havkng added to it the link to my blog ), that my writing task connected with angels was done. But on the other hand in the air in my younger years was a much bigger demand for writing about the rationality of feelings, and of other subjects helping in saving the world.  

This came to my mind when I a moment ago saw this picture. 

 I guess that angels as a subject is thought to maybe better suit late November than December. Nice Christmas angels though might be an exception. 

Here is another kind of view of angels: a song "Enkelit lentää sun uniin", "Angels will fly to your sleeping dreams" (and make you beautiful) by Mikko Kuustonen

Declan Galbraight : An angel 

A Finnish Christmas song Enkeli taivaan lausui näin, An angel from heaven said like this 

"An angel from heaven said like this

Why did you get amazed and scared

I am declaring a great joy

To the peoples of the Earth is now coming

Our lord Christ to us 

has today to here been born

and this is a mark for you that 

in the cradle lies the child

Now honour to God 

since he gave his only son

Because of that the angels too 

sing a thank to him."


From bats came to my mind that maybe Transsylvania has vampyrs because they wish for angels, and that is maybe the best widely available version of angels. These pictures of bats brought to my mind my text i.e. 


A traditional Finnish Christmas song Maa on niin kaunis, "The country is so beautiful"    I would add here tge link 

* * 

27th of November 2024   The black insect in the screenshot earlier, would maybe like to eat fresh carrot plus fresh water, plys maybe bakery like one-flat-dessert-plate-sized blueberry pie, or similarly rahkapiirakka. 

Monday, 18 November 2024

After quitting/ Jackson

 The Carpenters have a song called Jackson or something in that direction. It sometimds reminds me of the apricot poodle that I had. A moment agl I run into Alan Jackson's video of tge song Remember when , and the video had really nice old pieces of film, but somehow list some of tge spirit or of the ability to find spirit to things and to such practical life. So I thought that my advice about beginning to cure a hell, i.e. when everything/ many things around seems too rotten (but civiliced freedom not hindered, neither basic wisdom about healthy good life opposed), just use good basic ways of doing, common sense, agds old high ideals and begin so to buikd tge healthy natural life like in the ages old human nature, like what you and all long for, like is good if you are an individual and make good quality choices, reaching for really healghy wisdom of life. And some öiece of that are sports and of those I like especially the Japanese nartial arts with a beautiful wise philosophy. 

But pain like in ghe song's words tried to cure such lack of spirit or lack of paying attention to what is what, pain is not needed, since pain is a warning signal of something wrong, so good lufe does not need such things added, but of course one would need to be wisely for the good of the world and sincerely motivated. Likewise things, person, etc do not need to be rotten at all in any way, but one just needs independency, be oneself building a good healthy world to live in, each one making an own versiln of it, of each thing, choice, etc. 

24.11.2024   "Jos Puola on ongelmana, on ehkä hyvä muistaa, että ei-niin-osaavainen, joka kovin haluaa oppia taitavammaksi, yleensä kuubtelee sivistystä aistit auki, oikein hyvällä tavalla laajan maisemakuvamaisen koulun ooettaman maailmankuvan kanssa, ikään kuin kaikki tiet auki, kaikki viisaus korvan taakse laitettuna, mm elämänviisaus, ja huomio maailmassa, oppimusessa, kun taas liikaa lukenut kyllästynyt on usein huobolla huomiokyvyllä eikä ole niin onnellinen eikä hyvä ottamaan asiouta huomioon. 

30.11.2024   See also 

Sunday, 17 November 2024

After quitting/ Of my view when I was a child

 I think I remember that when I was a child (it ought to have been on the latter half of the 1970's or the year 1980), either under school age or in the very first classes of school, my mom asked me, since I had a good theoretical head, what was it in folk tradition that woukd stay in these modern times as times change and the world devoloos toward more technologised but develoos also in other respects, some old drops away but something of it stays too. We had read about old Finnish Christmas gnome like gnones or the subject somehow got chosen because shops and slme who had been said to suit foreigners, had a somewhat Christmas like liking in styles. And so I told of principles, of what at least was the idea in old tines thing, lije for example to get things work out well, there were skills and values cultivated and places where such tasks were the idea, like for example a weavibg feamework used for weaving fabrics and the space near by kept well for just that purpose, not other objecrs there or other use, except maybe for fine culture that is benefical for such a work and it's values, like taking part in singing songs. Or that the weathers and tines of the year do affect life also in the modern world, and thst life is better so, more fractureless in an ages old way. I do not remember anymore what I said, but the beginning of the English version of book "Tontun vuosi" somehow reminded me of such, as if I has said that then it is impirtant to mention that... It was as if I had dictated something of it and my parents said they will see what they get from it, will others accept, as if it had been an interesting project for them. 

Today morning as I walked past the Finnish and English versions of the book Tontun vuosi, it is as if a cousin of mine whom I have not met so many times, had marked it tgat gnomes are taken away since it is a book made by a child and so it somehow was allowed to take such life away, she claimed, but it did not seem right at all, it ought not be alliwed to destroy the pissibilutues for such life, especially since it is a fact book like book, not so much stories. All traditions cannot be folliwed as times chsnge, but what there is good in them ought to be alliwed to continye in ways that are for the good of the world. I do not know if story books vary according to the readers, some thinking of it, some producing nonsense. So one ought not group them all to the same. 


See my texts at links from i.e. from 

Good for kids?

  Give everybody a chance! :   (The world-famous football star) "Christiano Ronaldo fools dveryone by playing soccer tricks in disguise...