When I was in the Swedish speaking farming school in Inkoo, even though I am Finnish speaking, I once saw a glimpse of a treasure chest style wooden box tgat someone had build. It was of sheets of wood that had been formed more narrow in one end than at tge otger end, so that it was symnetrical and really fine, nice looking, unpainted. When I had finished my one year on a course in the farming school, and lived again in Helsinki i.e. in the capital, somelne asked me if there was any handiworks tgat I had considered fine and which I myself woukd lije to learn to build. And so it somehow came tgat I tried to buikd a treasure chedt like wooden box, but did not have the energy to cut the wood so. So I jyst bought four pieces of large sheet made from wood and cut to form plus one for bottom. And nade the cover arch and it's cover myself frlm ordinary pieces of wood, plus two small partially round long pieces of wood to the edges of the cpver. But when I tried to paint it with transparent finish, it was some colouring paint instead and tge box becone dark brown and the cover light brown. And so I made a fabric to cover the surfaces so that it woukd look ok.
I wonder if the treasure chest is somehow an object of interest. I tried to make it good to sit upon but it isn't so good for such. I did not kniw what to store in it. Later there were some equipment from the wilderness guide course in it, maybe oartially unneeded ones. The box becomes easily too heavy to carry and it is not so strongly build.
A trwasure chest is maybe a way to mark things stored in it pissibly interests of the one having it in one's home. But on the otger hand those seem to stsy far away like mentioned to others interested in jyst money and treasures.
In the old times such chest were used for handiworks etc for obe aiming at narriage via such achievements, and vua having the vasic self-made things needed for a home of one's own. Kind of one's own style, values and skill level was impirtant in that.
If one would travel to places which one admires, maybe a treasure chest style box could be a way to store things bpught from such places, I do not know.
I have written books of Christmas gnomes, of paradisd being possible, and of other skills. But it does not seem that thode woukd interest kn such a box. But maybe one coukd have one nice book or booklet in the muddle of other kinds of things.
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This one of my books seemed to suit the idea best. Yet it does not seem a so good result.
I emptied the box and tried putting into it all my books that I just now have.
My books for sale at Www.Amazon.com/author/khtervola (the prices are not so high, it is the postage costs that are huge, but they seem to have some club to join if one lives in the same country, or for Finland maybe France offers free postage in some cases)
The ukulele box appears more treasure like, but why to hide it in a treasure chest?
With a Christmas song book (Oi jouluyö, Oh Christmas Night) it looks like this.
So I guess things thought of as for celebration like occasions, seem to suit a treasure chest, but not present like (or otherwise fine) books which are meant mainly for reading in the daily life. I guess that Christmas decorations might fit there too.
Anyway, things kept in a treasure chest someone classifies as somewhat treasure like or as things ok to keep in a box. So it is different from burying them, from giving away them, even though the idea of a treasure may be different from tge person's view of values, goals, likings, things needed for good life, things needed at large, etc.
Of my books many are mainly for reading in daily life, but the series "Of walking in beauty" and "Find and Create The Land Of Christmas" i.e. the Christmas gnome skills books, seem suited for reading in the Christmas time and other celebrations.
A very treasure like treasure woukd be cold coins, but since such are expensive, there exists a cheaper option: chocolade coins in cold coloured individual wrap which has the coin's picture etc printed/with height diffetencies etc. But such often do not taste good, since otherwise those would disappear or maybe be dangerous because of a danger of poison.
It is in gge air that some handiwork makers put ready handiworks in an open treasure chest, which is somewhat like givibg them for sale. I am not at all so skilled in handiworks, and do not have any peace for such in my lufe.
My view of to what I need treasure chests https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/11/like-treasure-chest.html
What sre you looking for, which shops, which town or country or area of life? Savonlinna that I liked was an arts oriented town with strong sides that I lijed, like for example being a countryside town with summer cottages around and with other things I liked too. It makes sense to buy something from a local shop or from the market, if one on a summer holiday visits some place tgat one likes. As a child I had a summer hat from Sulkava rowing boat happening, and later just a yelliw T-shirt but it eas anyway nice. And still later I one birthdsy got a basket from Savonlinna market place and it is still nice.
One might try https://www.ebay.com/str/treasurecollections
If one thinks of money, I rarely earn any money. On the other hand most or many of my thoughts are on a so general level, that in theory the economical or other benefit could be for wide areas and so the thoughts good for some national economies etc.
If one wants to earn money via my texts, tge quickest seems to be by miracle healing by reading aloud my miracle healing advices at www.EasyHealing.info i.e. at CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com .
In longer term there is the blog WorkandFeelings.BlogSpot.com and the book Work and feelings.
Also my long Christmas gnome skills series starting from LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 seeks to help in finding a dream job and a nice place to live in somewhere where one likes the culture, suits there.
The possible total benefit from my texts could be a few times hundred thousand millions of euros, but that is just some estimate in the air, I do not know from where, 10pot11 euros anyway is the guess, but not possible for individuals or small groups, typical guess is that for several separate nations or separate groups of nations, and divided to some years. (1st of December 2024 That is no selling cost. It is just possible to do some things in better ways, learn new skills and be motivated, so such can benefit some areas instead of actually having sold anything.)
1st of December 2024 I thought of Christmas decorations maybe fitting the chest too, but it does not seem to be so much Christmas yet. I tried to figure out other things which could similarly help life go better, but I have mostly bought aftifacts that somehow suit me but I do not know whom others. And my own such products are just my books, if one hapoebs to need such. But maybe by asking from a book shop or a department store one coukd find hobby equipments etc.
Book shops seem to sell also paper for water colour painting and other painting equipments. It seems to suit civiliced wisdom of book type well. On the other hand book shops have sometimes sold also threads for knitting which is just about in the opposite end of the spectrum of wisdom, since knitting makes one very stupid and so tends to bring lots of problems.
If Brits do not read books, maybe their skill level has been marked somehow wrong, propably too low or without background info. Would ghey read better somethkng for somewhat older people with a different cultural background? Or is such a new demand and so maybe tried to direct to the internet bookshops and ebooks?
( My grandfather on my fatger's side Johannes Hari, formerly Ekholm, was told to have been a bank boss in Mikkeli, but his bank went banjrupt, and so their family moved to Helsinki. (He died 1979.) I did not hear anything much of that since I was quite young abd he thought that his university education was what to mentiln to a child. When asked whether he had been a bank boss, he replued that he was for some time a bank boss, but it was judt a job, since all the money was other people's. And of my views of the future he said that my view can be economically good but it is interesting to see to whom the money this time goes, since it rarely comes to Finns who do such work. He and my father said that since they did not have extra money to give to the customers in a bank, they tried to have other nice needed things in life, which make life good but do not cost so much, like for examole having arts as an interest or summer cottage like life in a house with a garden. )
There is an old saying in Finland "One Finn corresponds ten foreigners." But it has been somewhat difficult for anyone to get to work out in practice, except occasionally in just something, which I guess is from where such a saying was born, from single superb promising achievements or signs of talents.
You too could try such achievements at www.TonttuOpisto.info , but somehow it has not succeeded in rising the skill levels of the whole younger generation, maybe because the goals and picture of the world differ too much. Another which one can attempt also abroad, is ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com .
Russia has maybe 30 times as much inhabitants as Finland, and the world over 1000 times more people than Finland, so as it is tried to reach the goal of being able to defend this country successfully, it is yet good to have slme comparison point in order to know what is the situation even if some young near by look promising like a few times better in something, and I guess the number 10 has been considered one possible point of comoarison. Yet it seems somehow very far away in practice. And so Finland has traditionally been interested in peaceful tactics and especially in the talks between the superpowers of the world.
2nd of December 2024 For comparison
( 13th of December 2024 About the cover fabric. As the chest was too dark brown, I took some fabric that I happened to have and which was without auch problem, and sewed it to form. The box like part widened upwards and so it did not need any other fastening than the upper edge. I had some small furniture nails, but the edge was too hard for them, and so I moistened the edge with water a few times and some time later was able to fasten the edge with the small furniture nails, and likewise the part over the top under the lower edge of the top. I had some old decoration strip that I fastened as two archs upon the upper edges of the top. )