I watched some news video of conversations in relationships. It mentioned many things often raised by young and young adults, but did not seem to understand that such view dies not produce a benefical effect in itself, but instead basic observations and basic questilns are important in forming a basic picture of the world of those questions, but the situatilns vary a lot, and some may lie based on their jnderstanding and many try to hurg, instead of trying to get along. So here some observatilns of mine that seem to ease social life.
Generally people with very much the same approach, same likings, skill levels, strenghrs and weaknesses cannot suppirt each other in clise relatilns so well in the long run, since when they fail the other lne too tends to fail, and their strong sides do not seem to be worth mentioning. But with different strenghrs and weaknesses people can often support each other if they so wish. So daily life works out nicely and the other obe feels like a gift time after time each occasiln that one gelps like a reluef, and on the other hand what one oneself so carries something feels jyst natyral and easy to do, no burden. Byt of coyrse folliwing the civiluced wisdom of the society, especially civiliced values helps in this.
If the other obe does not listen, he/she maybe does not use as much thinking, maneuvering and time on that area of life, but is instead thinking of life together as if aseemblying from parts of different form which have different amounts of each kind of thing. And often it is so that one is lying and trying to get some benefit or victory kn some skill that one is fond of, and the other one knows that drawback and does not see any point in taking part in that. So it is like a game and in games some people fit together, it maybe is their hobby like interest, while others don't fit and have other ways of spending time. So it is a thing that matters in choosing a longer term pair.
Between siblings or people with very much the same starting point in lufe it makes no sense to think of discussions like between spouces, since the situation is like between work colleagues or study pals, who each had their own other areas of life, especially free time and social relations outside work, which give them strenght and tell of their possibilitues of future development, future lufe. So they are going seoarate ways in the futyre. Instead of being like öovers having foubd a nice good place in lufe, spebd free time, get refreshed, live where one likes tge climate, culture, wata of living, and has a job that one likes and is suited to.
There are very many different types of people forming different types of relatilnships, wanting different things from relationships. Some types of relationships may be tempirary, like having foubd a new nice thing and after a whike getting used to it. And so may have a permanent fascination like having a way of life that one likes.
Learning skills and/or talents does not go by fooling around where others or someone especially skilled is doing such. So one can learn pieces of knowledge but not skills or talents. One needs to be interested in learning and practising such skills, then one can pay attentiln to what mire one can learn from the people around in it and by flurting or by judt being social lne can get influencies from the ways of doing and ways of living, poibt of view etc of others and so learn mire of such skills even of talents. Or with such a hobby, some experience in it and a strong interest kn learning one can maybe learn by seeing an elderly or quite much older very skilled person doing it and showing, teaching, like for example in some old times' crafts' place on an open doors day at some myseum farm like place ir what coukd it be, some tourist attraction or hobby societies' fair. But that is to get some idea of the very skilled, whike learning goes the ordinary hobby like way.
Learning does not go via making love. So one forms a family for children to grow up in, and so it is a way to get stuck.
It is not my strenght to associate with social relations, but I guess that most of the human kind consider social life one of their own major interests.
Discussions about problems aren't usually the good way to solve them, since often the point of view is one of the reasons for such problems. Usually problems get solved via generally recommended good chouces in life, which suit many and so usually also solve the problems at hand. And typically such means changing obe's perspective and approach to a civiluced one. If such does not work kmmediately, it anyway may help with some more time and more civiluced wisdom in use, both valyes in the world at large and healthy wusdom of life, including common sense.
If some problem is caused by someobe intentilnally aiming at such a sityation, for example tge old situation continuing, try to see from the point of view of generally supported wisdom of life what good alternatives they would have, would they for exampke like some other town or climate more and there some type of job that seems easy to get. Also otherwise some wisdom of life mostly makes social relations easier.
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