Monday, 25 November 2024

After quittibg/ What one builds

 In the news there was about some Chinese woman who resembled the singer Lea Laven, who when I was a child, sung some song as if trying to explain girl's point of view, but somehow boys and men got very angry and enemy like from that. Now I think that it was maybe becayse of the words "It isn't, I am not giving in, I am nit begging for love and I am not saying yes", which was girls' attempt at saying in a conversation that either the men of the damily etc lued or they had not understood at all. But boys took it as some role, as some forefigure to decide to not to get along with girls, which still seems to ve the problem, tens of years later, so the effect was amazingly big. As I now watched the news video, maybe one of the problems was that in publicity people in the audience or discussing the subject seem to come through somehow, so that instead of the deeds of only one person, there maybe were several persons' views or deed kknd of mistaken as the one person who sang the song in tv. 

If one think of the world as buikd by the deeds of kndividuals, then each kind of bebefit, each thing needed in life, needs to be culticated somehow. Otherwise it does not exist or ceases largely very quickly. Either obe oneself takes part in building or cultivatibg such, or has it as a value so much that one leaves it undisturbed, lets others cultivate it. In what comes to the song, girls cultivated something, and the men did not give it enough room but instead lied, and so the girl tried to complain and mentiln such a difference of who cultivates what and who leaves others enough in.peace. But the men lied what it was about and tried to call ut love, which it was not at all suited for, since spouce is a lobg time thing that affects lufe a lot, and so it was harmful to the girl, who needed more room to decide about her life and with whom to be social in which ways. So someone tried to explain it as a song, but it went fully ashtray. 

It was a song for so young children that they do not express everything in words, especially not if they woukd need to find sone new way of communicating, new approach with different choice of words and some other thibgs from the pictyre of the world showing the point of view. 


26th of November 2024   I do not quite understand wgat the problem is/was. It seems that some social style seems annoying and that is why the attacks. But it is maybe that it is not the social style of the factual rational well motivated well undwrstanding person, but instead the comparison points which the others notice to be not at all so convincing, not good for themselves and so they get angry, but they seem to fail to notice that those weaknesses were results of them not being convinced of the need of such, of the motivatiln for such, especially not of lobg term conyinuous valuing of such, and so they lacked quality and ideas and the ability to choose good optiobs in such. They should have kbstead done slmething that seem a good ok udea in their opinion for their own ordibary daily life. Then it woukd have run well, had some motivatiln which others maybe sometines see as some charm, like sitting drinking coffee or tea and glancibg at the newspaper. Or takibg a look at a veautiful scene with some natyre in it and then continuing to other things at habd. 

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