In today news there was about some old Carelian inheritage, and a long video of someone telling of it a lobg time ago. See . It seemed tgat teansferring cultyral wisdom to the next generation depended on tge child. So some may have been interested in square kibds of thoughts, like one who has been too lobg outdoors maybe longs for build things. And others mayve were more atmospheric, tuned toward the sensitive observatilns of the wild natyre, thkngs at hand, picture of tge world, differencies vetween people and things done, etc, toward practical life and wisdom of life, maybe religion too. And so the thibgs said to an individual were along tge ways of thinking tge individual seemed to use, find meanibgful, but those were maybe only some comments tgat one happened to say, while tge wude civiluced öictyre of the world, the sensed reality and the graditional kinds of things done were the message in what comes to passing cultural inheritage to tge younger generatilns. At the same time there was a need to remark tgat pay attentiln to what things are in practice, what tgat is in the large civiluced pictyre of the world, so tgat you know where tjings are going at each place, somewhat like if humans were ant lije small ibdividuals doing separate kibds of thkngs on a wide grassy yard, what are their endeavours in the wide world, which values as goals, which skills in use and with which quality, and what overal effects do those produce in the world, for example if square tries to domibate over wise, and the wise agilely often goes by by some sideways curving route that seems to be ok in daily life, so what is accepted ln which grounds, do the unwise suppose thrir likeminded in the society and in tge world do not disturb wisdom by social dominancy, aggression, false claims etc, or do they have as goals only square without wisdom or variatilns between people with different styles, different levels of ubderstanding, skilks, values, interests, etc.
Being tuned to atmospheres makes sense with wishing for goid life, wise skilled ways of doing, wisdom of life and a wise view to the world, with well running life that is pleasant and good for world in the lobg rjn. So thpical to an atmospheric way of lookkng us to have some opinilns about the things around, like kndoors one maybe thinks "shoukd we tidy a little bit to make the environment nicer to live in", and also "should we have hear something nice like nice coloured curtains, a nice warm carpet, mahbe some fabric on the rable, etc". Outdoors one often pays attentiln to the beauty of nature kn this season and this weather, this kind of time of the day, how to live there, and on the divisiln to different miljos and on the difference between grasses or other nature left in peace and on the other hand some artificial human thing, or disrespect destroykng such peace and beauty. So it produces things lije comments about the weather, of sights, of some taking into account what good lufe demands pmus dreams of going to different kinds of places.
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